Francisco Ordonhas

  • Francisco Ordonhas -

Francisco aims to qualify for the WCT one day. This is why he surfs almost every day after school "until dark". But Francisco is also a boy of simple desires: if he could be the first in the water every morning and spend the rest of the day sharing waves with his friends, his life would be perfect. He started surfing in the summer of 2010 when he stood up on his father’s surfboard at first attempt. As part of the APS junior team since 2014, he's traveled to Maldives, Morocco, Galicia and Australia. More recently, he made his debut in Hawaii as part of the (restricted) EDP Surf for Tomorrow programme. Today, Francisco is one of the most prominent members of the Portuguese cluster on the WQS, a natural achievement for a guy who wastes no opportunity to improve his surfing – when not dropping waves, you will most likely find him riding his skateboard or watching surf contests live. John John Florence, Julian Wilson and Nic von Rupp are the guys he looks up to today.

Nickname: Ordonhas

Birthday: 22-07-2005 - 19 years old

Surf Spot: Linha do Estoril

Height: 1,70 m

Weight: 50 kg

Stance: Goofy

Magic board: Chilli A2 6'0" x 18 7/16" x 2 1/8" - 25.30L Round tail

Training spot: usually Carcavelos and Costa de Caparica

Favorite wave: Poça

Favorite maneuver: barrels

Best quality: surfing well in tiny waves!

Worst flaw: I'm rather distracted and forgetful...

Heroes: Julian Wilson and Rob Machado

One song: Linkin Park

One film: View From a Blue Moon

Favorite activities: skateboarding

Secret talent: playing soccer

If I knew the World was going to end in 24 hours… I'd go surfing with my friends and ALL my family

If I found a genie in a bottle… I would ask to go on a trip around the world surfing the best spots

I am the greatest at: making new friends

I totally suck at: History (the subject)

I cannot resist to: ice cream

Life motto: Family comes first, surfing comes right after…

Xhapeland in one sentence:The best surfboards factory!